mainsbourg牛排餐 Rosé Wine paired with Black Garlic Shrimp、あみじにんにくのドリップ payload getSize内容#########
Disabling Reddit's Habitual Alerts: Your Escape Route!
Method 1 – Silencing Alarms From Profile Tweakery
Gain control over your Reddit notifications quickly by tweaking the settings in your profile. Check out the steps:
1. Log into your Reddit account and clickUsername at the top right
1.2. Click on User Settings from the dropdown menu.
2.3. Navigate to the Notification tab near the top menu.
3.4. Turn off the undesirable notifications on your gadgets.
1. Tap on your User icon on the top right of the app.
1.2. Tap on Settings from the menu at the bottom.
2.Settings3. Tap on Account Settings for r/Username.
3.Account Settings for r/Username4. Select the Manage Notification tab from the menu.
4.Manage Notification5. Deselect the notifications you wish to not on your mobile.
5. DeselectMethod 2 – Revamp Your Liked Settings
1. Click Preferences
1.2. Scroll down to find Email Options
2.3. Deselect unsubscribe from all emails by unchecking the boxes you prefer not to receive.
3.4. Scroll some more and hit Save Changes.
4.Method 3 – Unsubscribe to Email Annoyances
1. ClickUsername at the top right
1.2. Click on User Settings from the dropdown menu.
2.3. Go to the Emails tab from the top of the menu.
3.4. Disable
4.“unsubscribe from all emails”
Method 4 – Kill Notifications on Reddit Desktop
1. Head to the Windows Settings app.
1.Windows2. Type in Notifications in the search bar and select
3. Scroll down to findReddit app.
3.4. Disable
4.Method 5 – Unsubscribe via Outside Servers
1. Hop onto Clean Email on your phone or via the PC web browser.
1.2. Give the Get Started button a click.
2.Get Started3. Adhere to Clean Email’s instructions. You will need to subscribe to use the service.
3.1. Fire up LeaveMeAlone
1.2. Click on the Get Started button.
2.3. Embark and either create or log into your LeaveMeAlone account.
3.4. Chooseservices
4.5. Keep going, pick Reddit, and unsubscribe.